Marine expedition over Disko Bay
(West Greenland)


June 5 — 12,
June 14 — 21,
June 23 30,
July 2 — 9, 2024


морская экспедиция тур в антарктида антарктика пингвины киты айсберги пролив дрейка ушуайя антарктический океан полярная станция морской поход круиз на яхте в антарктиду

Путешествия по России активный тур на зимний Байкал снегоходы хивус джипы
Who wants to see a real miracle of nature - icebergs, which attract many travelers from all over the world?
Who is ready to go where people live in harsh climatic conditions?
Who is ready to plunge into the romantic fairy tale of scarlet sails?

We invite you to go with us on a sea expedition on yachts to the western coast of Greenland to meet icebergs and purposefully see all the splendor of these places.

Отправляемся в незабываемое путешествие под парусами полярной яхты к самому южному городу планеты и самому таинственному мысу Горн!
Горные реки здесь рождают множество водопадов, к кораблю прилетают дикие соколы, а по пути нередко встречаются киты.
Нас ждут стоянки в живописных бухтах и ночевки по треск обрушающихся вековых льдов.
А вокруг - только горы до неба и непроходимые леса!



June 5 — 12,
June 14 — 21,
June 23 — 30,
July 2 — 9, 2024

Duration: 8 days / 7 nights

Cost per person: 3000 EURO

Discount 20% on departure from June 23 to 30, 2024!


Day 1. June 5/ June 14/ June 23/ July 2, 2024. Ilulissat

The boat that is going to be your home for the nearest future will be waiting for you in ten-minutes drive from the Ilulissat airport.
We will take the Blue Trail trek along the fjord. Here you can see the biggest accumulation of icebergs in Greenland. They break away from the Jakobshavn Glacier. Whichever route you choose — a long one of 7 km or a short one of 3 km — you will get loads of impressions from this trek!
Don't forget to bring your thermos. We go up a beautiful little hill and listen to sounds of crackling ice while sipping some hot drinks. You will definitely remember this moment! We'll be there during a polar day in Greenland, so the icebergs are lit up by the golden rays of the midnight Sun. That looks amazing.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accomodation: cabins

Day 2. June 6/ June 15/ June 24/ July 3, 2024. Aasiaat

Our first stop is Aasiaat town. In order to get there, we'll have to pass the Icefjord, the one that might have seen from the airplane.
It's time to check out what icebergs look like from the sea and to try our luck to meet our first whale. You might have noticed that it is a whale that's imprinted on our Greenland expedition emblem, because these noble giants are present in abundance here. When we were on our first expedition to Greenland, groups of whales were fishing close to Aasiaat, and 4 to 7 whales were jumping out of the the water right next to our yacht.
Here you can try fishing. Our chef can easily cook freshly caught cod or a catfish. Halibut, sea bass or wild trout are not that easy to catch, but we can buy some at a market here in the port. Sometimes you'll find whale meat being sold too. Same as it was centuries ago Inuits use whales' and seals' meat in their daily diet.
When walking around the town, pay attention to an arch next to the church-it is made of whale's jaws bones; and next to the hotel there is full size whale skeleton.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accomodation: cabins

Day 3. June 7/ June 16/ June 25 / July 4, 2024. Kekertarsuak

If you look at the map of Greenland, you will see that 80% of it's surface is covered with ice shield. Then why do they call it Greenland? There are several explanations why viking Erik the Red, the first European to step on this land, called it a green land. One version goes that it was a PR-trick to attract more settlers to this severe region. We personally think that such name might have crossed his mind after Erik the Red visited Disko Island, the greenest corner of Greenland.
You will see it for yourself when we do a trek along a picturesque route to the waterfalls of the Wind Valley, basalt cliffs, and black beach. The trek goes along the gulf, and you will get a good view of gigantic icebergs from there. Do not forget to grab a bag with you, there are a lot of mushrooms growing along the way, in fact there are so many of them that you don't even need to look for them in the grass.
When guests are back from the trek we will move to a secret spot with two waterfalls, have a barbecue on a beach with volcanic sand and might also wakeboard among the icebergs. After that we'll go back to port for the night. Godhavn is definitely one of our favorite spots in the Disko Bay expedition.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accomodation: cabins

Day 4. June 8/ June 17/ June 26 / July 5, 2024. Sarkak

SSarkak is a cute liitle town located fifty miles away from Kekertarsuak. We'll stop here for a night before starting our passage to Uummanaq, the longest part of this expedition. In Sarkak we recommend you visit the local church, it is open 24/7.
Greenland churches, as well as sculptures, paintings and drawings that Inuits use to decorate the walls of their buildings represent their unique culture and traditions. Same as five thousand years ago the dog sledding is an essential part of Greenland peoples' life. They use dogs not only for moving around in winter, but also for hunting.
Those who live in such small towns like Sarkak are usually involved in breeding or teaching of dog sledding. We will come across plenty of kennels of fluffy puppies that we can visit and pet.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accomodation: cabins

Day 5. June 9/ June 18/ June 27/ July 6, 2024. Uummannaq

Uummannaq town is located at the foot of a mountain that resembles a heart shape. We will spend almost a whole day to get to Uummannaq, but it is really worth it! And we will see so many wonderful places on our way there. While in town you can have a walk around.
The panoramic view of the fjord from the shore is stunning.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accomodation: cabins

Day 6. June 10/ June 19/ June 28/ July 7, 2024. Qullissat

This is an abandoned village where they used to mine coal until 1972. Due to labour intensity and costly processes the mining was ceased and the workers had to leave their homes.
Although there is no data communications and electricity, and the place resembles Silent Hill, old residents and miners' grandchildren take care of their households and come here like to their country houses.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accomodation: cabins

Day 7 - 8. June 11-12/ June 20-21/ June 29-30 / July 8-9, 2023. Oqaatsut, getting back to Ilulissat

Oqaatsut, or, formerly Rodebay, got it's name after the Dutch whale hunters, who settled here in the 18th century. The name means ''the bloody bay''.

If you go along the Oqaatsut coasts by a motorboat you'll realize why: you could easily see remnants of whales on the seabed.

Tourists are attracted to the oldest whale-catcher tavern H8, where you can try local cuisine: smoked whale, a shrimp cocktail, dry cod, smoked halibut, and a sea soup. Ilulissat is two hours away from here, and our route will be accompanied by icebergs.

Please, take into account that the start date, the described route and the duration of stops during the expedition to the West Greenland might vary upon the captain's understanding depending on weather conditions and other circumstances.

Meals included: breakfast, lunch, dinner
Accomodation: cabins

Please do not purchase tickets without prior agreement with us.

The program may be adjusted according to weather conditions.

Please note that the captain of the yacht reserves the right to change the route and its sequence depending on the weather and ice conditions.
Aurora expedition motor sailing yacht
Steel Bermuda sloop of the Devonport Challenge 67 project, built in 1992
In 2017, the yacht was reconstructed. Aurora is a reliable expedition yacht, equipped with everything you need for long-distance voyages in harsh conditions.

The yacht "RUSARC AURORA" has a steel hull (steel thickness is 4 mm.), Three watertight bulkheads located in the bow of the yacht, two heating systems for the cabin: water and air.

The yacht has six comfortable double and triple cabins, a galley, a spacious common room. In the bow there is a sauna and two separate latrines. There is also hot water, refrigerator, washing machine.

The yacht is equipped with modern radio navigation equipment, radar, Simrad autopilot, all necessary rescue equipment (individual and general).

Each cabin has a separate bed, storage space, 220 V socket.
Cost includes:

- accommodation in cabins
- bed linen and towel
- parking lots (water/electricity)
- fuel surcharge
- three meals a day on board
- professional services commands
- сook services.

Cost excludes (additionally paid):

• Flights from your city to Ilulissat and back
• Visa
• Personal health insurance
• Souvenirs, other pocket expenses
• Satellite connection

Take with you:

ATTENTION! On the water and with the wind, the air temperature is felt much lower than it actually is. The weather will be very changeable. Strong winds, high waves and rain precipitation are expected.

• Warm fleece and thermal underwear.
• Thermosocks (several pairs).
• Rubber high boots with a warm inner insert for walking on the shore.
• Shoes for walking inside the yacht (sneakers).
• Parka, raincoat, pants and things made of waterproof materials.
• Sunglasses (with a rope so as not to lose it in the sea).
• Personal hygiene items, towel.
• Hand cream, face cream and sunscreen.
• Waterproof cases for photographic equipment.
• Personal first aid kit with individual medicines.

(!) Things must be packed in soft bags and backpacks

The authors of the photos used:
Dmitry Kokh, Vadim Balakin, Deepak Kamath, Alex Kuzmitsky, Stas Zakharov, Max Pankov

    Тур в

    If you ever consider going somewhere to see icebergs, choose Ilulissat. That is where you will find the fastest outlet glacier in the world, Jakobshavn Glacier; thousands of icebergs are calving off it constantly, filling the West coast of Greenland. Icebergs are one of nature's wonders that make Greenland so special and attract so many travellers from around the world.

    Inuit culture and customs
    The way people live in such harsh climate conditions makes you curious. They have to adapt to winter when the water freezes and the polar night begins; they have to adapt to summer, when the ice melts and the polar day settles in. There are no industries, farms, wheat fields, fruit gardens, as it's hard to grow anything in the Arctic climate. How do they travel having no roads? What do they eat without growing anything? How do they live with the Sun not going down in the summer and not rising in the winter? These are the questions you are going to get answers to during our expedition to the Disko Bay.

    Sailing under scarlet sails
    The story behind red sails on our yachts is touching and romantic; it resembles a fairy-tale, and in the long run its characters (like the characters of the fairy-tale) lived happily ever after. As for the sails, they remained with us, and first reached the Antarctic, then Greenland and now they bring joy to our guests every season.


    • 1
      We find the most astonishing places on Earth and speed up to reach them. Our motto is to go ahead of road roller, touch the unique and unknown, before it disappears.
    • 2
      Wherever we go, we look for challenging activities and adventures, filling the journey with absolutely different spirit and emotions. That is why people join us over and over again.
    • 3
      In our trips we pay special attention to safety. All our travels are based on personal experience, equipped with the best gear, involving proved providers and experienced local guides who perfectly know local features.
    • 4
      We have a unique experience of the most offbeat expeditions and ascents, deep knowledge of countries and peoples, and are ready to share it with you. All the expeditions and climbings are guided by Mzungu himself, guaranteeing exciting traveling and your comfort.
    • 5
      All our trips are reach in adventures, with high quality accommodation, transportation and meals included. We do not save on it. Thanks to solid contacts with reliable providers we offer really good prices and high quality.

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