Expedition to the rainforests of Equatorial Africa: gorillas, rhinos, pygmies, waterfalls and world's best white water rafting


November 2 - 11, 2024
Tour Uganda

tour to Congo DRC Uganda Rwanda expedition to Democratic Republic Congo gorillas Nyiragongo volcano Batwa pygmies White Nile rafting

tour to Congo, tours to Africa, trekking gorillas
Have you ever stand face to face with the giant 2-meter height alpha male of mountain gorilla? You might play football with pigmy people or raft on the White Nile?
You'll discover all these in Uganda, situated in the very heart of the Black continent.
This destination is truly one of the biggest adventures that you ever took part in!

Tour to Democratic Republic Congo, Uganda, Rwanda. Have you ever stand face to face with the giant 2-meter height alpha male of mountain gorilla? Have you ever look into the crater of active volcano with 600 meter lava lake? You might play football with pigmy people or raft on the White Nile?
You'll discover all these in Zaire and Uganda, situated in the very heart of the Black continent. This destination is truly one of the biggest adventures that you ever took part in!


Dates: November 2 - 11, 2024

Duration: 10 days / 11 nights

Number of participants: 6 – 12

Cost per person:
- 2 790 USD subject to 10 – 12 participants, or
- 2 940 USD subject to 8 – 9 participants, or
- 3 090 USD subject to 6 – 7 participants.

Everything is included except for:

- International flight to Entebbe (Uganda) and back,
- International medical insurance,
- Visa of Uganda (USD 55),
- Permit to visit gorillas in Uganda (official state tariff USD 800),
- Lunches and dinners (about USD 200 for all days).

10% early booking discount (in case you book before June 2, 2024)

Estimated cost of the international flight Moscow – Entebbe – Moscow is USD 800 - 1000.

Additional payment for visiting gorillas (official state tariff): USD 800 (in case of change of the state tariff the additional payment is to be accordingly changed)

Single supplement: 560 USD

Day 1. November 2, 2024. Lake Victoria

Arrival in Entebbe with Egypt Air MS-730 at 5:20 am or any other flight early in the morning.
We meet the guide in the airport and go straight to the point! We are in the area of Lake Victoria — the largest lake on the African continent, its area is twice bigger than the area of Lake Baikal, and here the longest river in the world, the Nile, originates.
We go to Mabamba to explore Lake Victoria by boat, looking for the unique shoebill bird.
If we are on time, also visit to botanical garden in Entebbe.
Then we head to Mbale (360 km) and check-in at the hotel. Stay overnight in Wash and Will Hotel.

* Recommended flight:
-with Turkish Airlines via Istanbul departure from Moscow on November 01 at 13:50 pm by flight TK‑414, and arrival in Entebbe by flight TK‑569 on November 02 at 04:00 am, or
-with Qatar Airways via Doha departure from Moscow on October 31 at 22:55 pm by flight QR‑338, and arrival in Entebbe by flight QR‑1383 on November 01 at 15:30 pm (an extra night at the hotel will be required
- any other flight arriving in Entebbe no later than on November 02 at 8:00 am

Accommodation: Wash and Will Hotel
Meals included: no

Day 2. November 3, 2024. Sipi waterfalls

Today we take a short drive to Sipi to explore amazing Sipi Falls, so called "triple waterfall". Arguably the most beautiful waterfalls in Uganda sits at the foothills of Mountain Elgon. The upper two falls drop from 85 meters and 75 meters, and the most captivating one at more than 100 metres which is the star attraction of this area. The mini rainbow that forms when they are hit by the morning sun is something for everyone to look forward to. Besides these 3 powerful falls, the entire landscape is dotted with more than 300 other 'smaller' waterfalls.
The hike to the falls takes you about 3 hours to hike all the three Sipi falls. For a full-blown experience, we allocate 3 hours on your itinerary to see them all. The paths to the falls are approximately 7 to 8 kilometres with each hike a different adventure and new discoveries. We will be guided by a professional tour guide that knows the ins and outs of the place as well as the best spots with the best panoramic view of the valley!
Drive back to the west, up to Jinja (total distance of today is 250 km), a place on the White Nile, famous for its rafting.
Overnight at Nille Village 4* overlooking Lake Victoria.

Accommodation: Nille Village 4*
Meals included: breakfast

Day 3.November 4, 2024. Rafting on White Nile

After breakfast, we go for the whole day on the most interesting rafting in the upper White Nile. Rafting in Jinja is pretending to be the best in the world: we have to pass about a dozen rapids of 4 and 5 levels of difficulty and, most likely, wet the feet :) Experienced local instructors, who perfectly know the river and have various regalia, will accompany us.
Drive to Entebbe (120 km, 2,5 hours) and stay overnight in the hotel.

Accommodation: Nille Village 4*
Meals included: breakfast, lunch

Day 4. November 5, 2024. From Lake Victoria to Bwindi Impenetrable NP

After breakfast Long transfer (500 km, 10 hours drive) to the western part of Uganda, from Jinja via Kampala to the area of Bwindi Impenetrable National park, where tomorrow the gorillas experience awaits us.
On the way, in Kayabwe (somewhere in the middle of our drive), we stop at the Equator point. In this trip we cross the Equator line not once, but this one is going to be the first ritual crossing. In the afternoon we pass by the Lake Mburo National park and may come across some zebras on the way, if they are roaming outside of the park.
Evening arrival in Kabale. Accommodation at a hotel in the town of Kabale, near the Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. Overnight at Gorilla Mist or similar.

Accommodation: Gorilla Mist or similar
Meals included: breakfast

Day 5. November 6, 2024. Mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

After breakfast at the hotel, we go (driving time 1,5 – 2 hours) to one of the most exciting adventures, the quintessence of any expedition to Central Africa – visiting one of the families of gorillas living in Bwindi National Park. Eastern gorillas are the largest primates living on Earth, reaching a height of about 2 meters and weighing more than 200 kg, and, at the same time, some of the rarest. Their population is slightly more than 700, with more than half currently living in Uganda, in the Bwindi forest. Mountain Eastern Gorillas are the endemics of Central Africa, with tiny populations also in Virunga NP in the DRC and Volcanoes Park in Rwanda. The visit costs a lot of money, but it's worth it!
Trekking in Bwindi Impenetrable is a thing in itself, and the name of the national park speaks for itself. In addition to a large number of herbivores and forest elephants, here you can find a huge number of other primates, including chimpanzees. Those who want to take a day rest, can spend it in the hotel.
Drive back to Savannah Resort lodge at the outskirts of Queen Elizabeth national park.
Evening and overnight in the Savannah Resort lodge.

Accommodation included: Savannah Resort lodge
Meals included: breakfast

Day 6. November 7, 2024. Queen Elizabeth Park and Twa Pygmy village

After breakfast at the hotel, a short drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park, located on the border with DR Congo, around Lake Edward, which, along with Tanganyika and Kivu, is part of the East African Rift Valley.
Safari in the Queen Elizabeth Park, where besides large herbivores - elephants, buffaloes, hippos and giraffes, you can meet lions and leopards.
Transfer to the Semliki National Park area, to the village of Twa (Batwa) Pygmies tribe. Ethnic evening in the village of Pygmies by the fire and overnight at the tourist base (guest house) nearby Semliki.

Accommodation included: tourist base (guest house) with basic conditions
Meals included: breakfast

Day 7. November 8, 2024. Football with Pygmies

After breakfast in the outdoor, we play a football game Russia vs Twa Pygmies in the vicinity of Semliki NP to take revenge for the defeats from another pygmy people – Mbuti in Ituri Forest 8 years ago and from the same Batwa guys in 2019! Football with the locals is usually a real show, regardless of whether you are fans of this game or not. On this occasion, the whole village comes to look at the outlandish football players (that is, at us).
In the afternoon, a long drive (about 300 km, 6 hours) to Masindi, a town near the Murchison Falls National Park and the Budongo Forest inhabited by chimpanzees. Check-in at the Kabalega Resort.

Accommodation: Hotel Kabalega Resort
Meals included: breakfast

Day 8. November 9, 2024. Game drive and boat safari in Murchison Falls National park

After breakfast, short drive (1.5 hours) to the Murchison Falls National Park, the largest and undoubtedly the most beautiful national park in Uganda. The park is bisected by the Victoria Nile from east to west for a distance of about 115 kilometers and houses number of beautiful waterfalls.
We head for game drive and for boat safari where we can see one of the largest population of hippos in Africa and the largest population of Nile crocodiles. The park is the house for big herds of African buffalos, elephants, Rotschild's giraffes, lions and many birds. 450 bird species are present ranging from easy variety of waterbirds, including the rare shoe-billed stork, crowned crane, the symbol of Uganda and Budongo's 59 "restricted range" species.
We will also spend time at the mighty Murchison waterfall, where the waters of the Nile flow through a narrow gorge only 7 meters wide before plunging 43 meters.
Drive back to Kabalega and overnight at Kabalega Resort.

Accommodation: Hotel Kabalega Resort
Meals included: breakfast

Day 9. November 10, 2024. Walking safaris with chimpanzees and rhinos, return flight

Early in the morning, before breakfast, we set off for the Budongo Forest National Reserve, where we will go on foot safari with chimpanzees. We will stroll through the amazing rain forest, where we will certainly find several chimpanzee families. Chimpanzees are social animals that live in communities and are constantly moving. They are not as easy to shoot as gorillas, but believe me, not less interesting. Chimpanzee is the primate closest to humans; our DNA is 98% identical.
After late breakfast, we proceed to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary (90 km, 1.5 hours). The reserve was created in 2005 for the reproduction of black rhino and southern white rhino. Starting with 6 individuals, today in the park there are more than 20 animals. This is the only place in Uganda where rhinos live in the wild (so good chance to make all African Big Five today!:). We take a walk and take the best shots of these giants.

Accomodation: Anderita Hotel
Meals included: breakfast

Day 10. November 11, 2024. Return flight

Breakfast at the hotel, transfer to Entebbe airport. Check-in and flight home.

* Recommended flight:
-with Ethiopian Airlines, via Addis Ababa departure from Entebbe at 18:35 pm on November 11 by flight ET‑335, and arrival to Moscow by flight ET‑760 on November 12 at 07:25 am, or
- FlyDubai via Dubai, departure from Entebbe at 11:30 am on November 11, flight FZ-620 and arrival to Moscow with flight FZ-987 on November 12 at 00:25 am, or
- Turkish Airlines via Istanbul, departure at 06:20 am November 11 from Entebbe, flight TK-569 and arrival to Moscow with flight TK-415 at 18:40 pm
- any other flight departing from Entebbe no earlier than at 22:00 on November 10.

Accommodation included: no
Meals included: breakfast


  • Сергей
    отзыв опубликован на сайте
    Не люблю ездить с турфирмами и никогда не езжу - чтобы не зависеть от других людей.
    Но тут особый случай - я не смог бы в одиночку организовать такую поездку, поэтому наплевал на свои принципы и поехал.
    Потому что Ньирагонго, гориллы, рафтинг на Ниле - всё это настоящие жемчужины для путешественника. И как же здорово, что все они оказались нанизанными на одну нить. Алексей, именно за это хочу сказать тебе огромное спасибо: всё лучшее удалось собрать в одной поездке. Великолепно задумано и очень грамотно исполнено! И я понимаю, как это было непросто.
    И сейчас, уже вернувшись, переполненный впечатлениями, хочется просто крикнуть "браво!". Результаты превзошли все мои ожидания.
    И ещё хочу сказать про невероятную атмосферу на протяжении всего тура. Ребята, спасибо вам за компанию, каждому из вас. Это было здорово, ржачно и просто круто.
    Ну вот вроде бы всё.
    Просто захотелось высказаться.
  • Егор Евстигнеев
    отзыв опубликован на сайте
    Сказать, что поездка в Уганду/Конго была лучшей в моей жизни, это не сказать ничего. Всё: вулкан, гориллы, сафари, рафтинг, племена и матч с ними, команда, организация. Всё это было на высшем уровне. Программа более, чем интересная. Эту экспедицию в Африку я запомню на всю жизнь! Отдельное спасибо Алексею за организацию и чуткость в решении любых вопросов во время поездки! Лёха, красава!
Cost includes:

• twin/double accommodation in hotels and lodges
• accommodation at tourist base in Semuliki
• breakfasts along the route
• transport with experienced drivers along the entire route (Toyota Hiace minibuses)
• all permits for visiting protected areas, incl. Budongo Chimps, Ziwa Rhinos, Murchison Falls NP and Queen Elizabeth NP (except for permissions for gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable)
• boat safari in Murchison Falls NP
• participation in rafting, equipment, instructors
• trekking to Sipi Falls with proffessional guide
• experienced English-speaking local driver guide
• Russian-speaking and English-speaking team leader

Cost excludes (additionally paid):

• international flight to Entebbe (Uganda) and back
• international medical insurance
• Visa of Uganda (obtained upon arrival in the airport)
• COVID tests
• state permit to visit gorillas in Bwindi NP in Uganda
• lunches and dinners, besides included into the price in the section "Cost includes"
• single accommodation in hotels

To take with:

• Set of clothes fitting weather conditions, including summer wear (shorts, T-shirts)
• one set of warm clothes (just in case)
• set of clothes with long sleeves,
• repellents,
• mosquito net for sleeping place
• thermal underwear
• buff
• comfortable trekking shoes,
• Trekking socks
• raincoat
• swimsuit
• head-torch,
• sun protection: cream, glasses, panama
• personal hygiene items
• personal medicines (analgesics, sanitizers, antibiotics, your personal medicine, including medicine for altitude sickness prevention)
• antimalarial prophylaxis (up to you to decide)
• certificate on negative result of PCR COVID test taken not more than 72 hours before arrival in Uganda
• yellow fever certificate
• photo and video cameras with batteries



Best season: October – April

A real wild Africa, one of the biggest adventures you can find yourself in: the wild jungles and savannah of Uganda where the great apes, eastern gorillas and chimpanzees, still survive.

To see with your own eyes the last group on the planet (about 800 individuals) of eastern mountain gorillas in the Bwindi Impenetrable in Uganda. Alpha males, reaching a weight of 250 kg, let you come indecently close and make an indelible impression.

Play a football game with the Batwa pygmies - some of the smallest people on Earth, whose height often does not exceed 120 cm.

Take a walking safari in search of chimps in the Budongo forest and take a walk with rhinos in the Ziwa Wildlife Sanctuary

To make a jeep safari in the best National Parks of Uganda - Murchison Falls and Queen Elizabeth NP, where besides large herbivores - elephants, buffaloes, hippos and giraffes, you can meet lions and leopards.

One of the worlds' best boat safaris in NP Murchison Falls and a river safari on Lake Victoria in search of the iconic shoebill.

The triple waterfalls of Sipi - an unbeaten paths to the place with stunning beauty cascades, one of which is more than 100 meters in height.

Try yourself on the rapids of the White Nile in Jinja, offering the world's best rafting.

(C) Photos of Sipi Falls: by Dmitriy Yankovskiy
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